U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
A - Z Index:
Environmental Sustainability

Going Green Tips

Did you know? In the US, we produce about 25% more waste during the holiday season (Thanksgiving to New Year), which equates to around 25 million tons of extra waste! Also, the average household energy use for lighting increases 130 kwhs during that time…that's equivalent to if every American household left an electric oven on for 2.5 days! So remember to REDUCE your energy usage and waste output this season. One easy thing you can do is reuse your used gift bags:  Cut them up to make gift tags for holidays, birthdays and other occasions. Scrunch-up a gift bag for excellent packing material. Gift bags are a heavier-weight paper so it will hold its shape a lot better, making it a good option for packing/shipping. Use a large gift bag to make a book cover for school textbooks. Add them to the kids' craft bin for future arts and crafts projects.Zoom In
Reduce Holiday Waste
Here are some easy ways to be more sustainable, and save money! 1. Buy pastas, beans, nuts, cereals and more in the bulk food aisle. These items create less waste and cost less than packaged goods, just don't forget to bring bags. 2. Cook double! Make extra lasagnas, pizzas, etc. and freeze them to save time later and ensure your ingredients don't go to waste. 3. Serve smaller amounts with the understanding that people can come back for more. Children especially have a hard time estimating how much they can eat.Zoom In
Sustainable Cooking
Did you know?  Elevators account for about 5% of a building's electricity use.  By taking the stairs instead of an elevator, you are helping to reduce green house gas emissions and the costs of operating your facility.  There are also several health benefits associated with taking the stairs.  These benefits include: ;Burns more calories than walking on flat surfaces; Improves your fitness and stamina; Boosts your spirits; and Saves you time because it allows you to exercise while doing your daily work activities. Burn calories, not electricity.  Take the stairs today!Zoom In
Take the Stairs
Did you know?  Chemicals are used every day in health care facilities to protect and safeguard the health of patients and staff.  Chemicals are used primarily to sterilize and disinfect surfaces and equipment, thereby preventing the transmission of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other biological agents and pollutants.  Although these chemicals are designed to help us, many of them are also toxic and could negatively affect our health and the natural environment if managed or disposed of inappropriately.  Simple ways to improve handling and management of toxic chemicals include:  choosing less toxic chemicals; not using more than what is recommended by the manufacturer; using protective equipment such as gloves and face masks; and educating staff on proper uses and disposal techniquesZoom In
Chemical Management in Health Care Facilities
Did you know?  These easy tricks will reduce your gasoline usage:  Keep tires properly inflated and wheels aligned; Roof racks and air conditioning decrease engine efficiency; Drive more slowly. There is a 20 percent loss in fuel economy when cruising speed is increased from 55 to 75 mph; Use cruise control on highway trips; Avoid rapid acceleration, hard braking, and sudden stops; Remove extra weight from the car; 100 extra pounds can reduce fuel usage by one mile per gallon.  By reducing your fuel consumption, you will save money and decrease air pollution. Zoom In
Fuel Efficiency
Did you know?  Tap water is tested more often and held to higher safety standards than bottled water.  On average, it takes around 2,000 times more energy and costs 10,000 times more to produce bottled water than tap water in the U.S.  Using a reusable water bottle to drink tap water is a great way to help the environment and reduce waste.  Reusable water bottles are made from a variety of materials including metal, glass, and specific types of plastic.  Each one has its advantages and disadvantages.  The links listed below are available to help you choose a reusable water bottle that fits your needs. Stop adding to the 30 million water bottles that end up in landfills or the ocean each day and get a reusable water bottle today!Zoom In
Bottled Water
Did you know?  Energy efficient buildings have significantly lower operating and maintenance costs and lower rates of indoor air pollution.  The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) Division of Environmental Health and Engineering (DEHE) developed two programs to promote sustainability. DEHE has been working to reduce water energy use by 50 percent. They have also implemented heat recovery conservation projects in four diesel power plants and are on track to finish eight more.  Congratulations to the ANTHC DEHE for their innovation and hard work. For their effort they won a 2011 HHS Green Champions Award in the Change Agents category! Zoom In
ANTHC Energy Efficiency
Did you know?  ENERGY STAR certified buildings use 35 percent less energy and cost 50 cents less per square foot to operate than average buildings?  The Blackfeet Community Hospital in Browning, Montana, received the EPA's ENERGY STAR Certification for the second year in a row.  This would not have been possible without the hard work of the Blackfeet Community Hospital maintenance staff.  For their effort they won a 2011 HHS Green Champions Award in the Energy & Fleet Management category!  Energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest, and greatest unused resource for saving energy and preventing greenhouse gas emissions.Zoom In
Energy Efficiency
Did you know?  Medical centers are the second-largest waste producers in the United States after the food industry.  A successful hospital recycling program can lead to a wide range of benefits, which include reduced operational costs, increased worker safety, and enhanced community relations.  Congratulations to Kia Mudge and her colleagues at the Santa Fe Indian Hospital for receiving an honorable mention from the 2011 HHS Green Champions Awards Committee for their Hospital Recycling Program.  Help improve our environment and start a recycling program in your office or health care facility today!Zoom In
Hospital Recycling Program
Did you know?  If every federal employee shut off their office equipment every weekend a year the federal government would save $40 million.  Our office machines keep working long after we leave for the day. This leads to unnecessary energy consumption and increased environmental pollution. In 2010, the IHS Headquarters User Support Team encouraged employees to join PowerIT Down Day one weekend in April. About 10 percent more people participated, leading to total HHS energy savings of 96,156 kWh.  Congratulations to the IHS Headquarters IT User Support Team for winning the 2011 HHS Green Champions Electronic Stewardship Award for Power IT Down Day! Help the environment! Power down your computer, monitor, printer, and cell phone charger when you leave your workstation each day.Zoom In
Power Down Electronics
Did you know?  The average office worker in the U.S. prints 10,000 sheets of paper each year. This is equal to two boxes of paper.  Printing double-sided can reduce paper consumption costs by nearly 50% and prevent unnecessary deforestation.  Producing paper requires the use of many different resources, including water, trees, and energy.  By reducing our use of paper, we can help improve the environment and cut costs.  Reduce your carbon footprint and adopt double-sided printing today!Zoom In
Double-Sided Printing
Did you know? Some Cleaning Products Can Dirty the Environment. Many household cleaners contain toxic ingredients such as phosphorus, phthalates, and nitrogen. You can make your own cleaning products by mixing simple ingredients such as white vinegar, baking soda, borax, or vegetable soap with water. Using non-toxic cleaners improves indoor air quality, reduces chemical exposure, and introduces fewer toxins into the environment. Natural and homemade cleaners are also less expensive. Consider buying or making environmentally friendly household cleaners today!Zoom In
Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
Did you know? Hospitals spend $1.67 on electricity and 48 cents on natural gas per square foot annually.  That's $215,000 a year for a 100,000 square foot facility.  To prevent health care costs from rising, and help the environment, it is in our nation's interest to find ways to reduce energy consumption in our hospitals and clinics. The IHS Oklahoma City Area Office has designed an energy-saving boiler at the Lawton Indian Hospital in Lawton, Oklahoma.  The project at Lawton Indian Hospital reduced natural gas consumption by 37% and decreased maintenance time and costs by 50%, which saved the hospital $27,338 over the past year. Congratulations to CDR Hugo Gonzalez for Receiving the 2011 HHS Energy and Fleet Management Green Champion Award!Zoom In
Reducing Energy Consumption in Hospitals and Clinics
Did you know? Reducing your consumption of meat and animal products is beneficial to the environment. Raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. Thirty percent of the earth's entire land surface-70 percent of all agricultural land-is used for rearing farm animals. Twenty percent of the world's grazing land has already been designated as degraded due to the rearing of animals for their meat. Widespread cultivation of the land ruins animals' natural habitat, and millions of animals are dislocated each year, causing long- term harm to our wildlife. Eating meatless meals a few days a week reduces the amount of land, water, and fossil fuel resources used.Zoom In
Meatless Meal Options
Did you know?  Carpooling with just one friend/coworker could save each of you around $650 a year on gas.  In April of 2011, a group of pharmacists at the IHS Colorado River Service Unit (CRSU) initiated a carpool project in response to rising gas prices and increased traffic in their area.  Since the projects' inception, the team's personal carbon emissions, gas consumption, and breakdowns have decreased by 66 percent!!!  Congratulations to the CRSU Pharmacy Carpool Project for Receiving the 2011 HHS Corporate Responsibility Award.  Save money and the environment. Start a carpool program today!Zoom In
Did you know..  Health care facilities in the U.S. produce nearly 7,000 tons of waste every day - that's roughly 25 pounds per patient per day.  The cost of disposal for the health care industry reached $10 billion last year.  Adopting one or more of the suggestions below will help reduce overhead costs and the environmental footprint of health care facilities: Share magazines and journals between departments to reduce multiple subscriptions; Set up an area for employees to share gently used items such as binders, folders, containers, etc; Reprocess medical devices, such as ophthalmic knives and orthopedic blades, as well as operating-room equipment, such as ultrasonic scalpels, all of which are typically discarded after one use; Invest in reusable sharps containers, which can be refilled many times, drastically cutting back on container disposal; Purchase reusable items, such as a glass, metal and fabric, versus single-use items.Zoom In
Reducing Medical Waste
Did you know?  Junk mail is everywhere. Every year in the United States:  creating and shipping junk mail produces more greenhouse gas emissions than 9 million cars; more than 100 million trees are destroyed to produce it; and we spend 70 hours managing our junk mail. Zoom In
Junk Mail
Did you know?  In 2010, nearly 18% of total electricity use was attributed to residential and commercial lighting.  One easy and cost effective way to cut down on electricity usage is by shifting to task lighting at work.  Task Lighting is any localized light source in a person's work area directed on some activity or Task.  Task lighting significantly reduces overall lighting demands by effectively putting the light where it is needed - on the individual's desk.  Tasking lighting is an easy and effective way to decrease your personal carbon footprint.  Go Green and adopt task lighting at work today!Zoom In
Task Lighting
Did you know... Indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. Carpet, paint, particle board, detergents, printer inks, and other household items all release chemicals. Houseplants filter the air and remove toxins. Five top air cleaning plants are: Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) - Chlorophytum comosum (Spider Plant) - Epipremnum aureum (Devil's Ivy) - Syngonium podophyllum (Arrowhead Plant) - Hedera helix (English Ivy). Aim for 15 to 18 plants for an 1800 square foot living area. Pick up several all natural air purifiers today! Zoom In
Indoor Air Quality
Did you know? Friday May 18th is National Bike to Work Day.  Start your day off right with fresh air and exercise.  Save money on gas, parking, and car maintenance.  Get to work on time and have fun getting there.  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our dependence on oil.  Join thousands of your fellow commuters on May 18th and bike to work.Zoom In
Bike to Work Day 2012
Did you know? Each year an average American household receives six pounds worth of bills in the mail. While recycling all that paper is a good step, a greener option is to switch to paperless billing. Paperless billing (receiving statements electronically and paying bills online) reduces waste and cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.  Paperless billing services are free and available through your bank and billing companies.Zoom In
Paperless Billing
Did you know?... 100 billion individual disposable pieces of plastic silverware are used and thrown out each year worldwide. Avoid creating waste. Use reusable silverware and dish ware.Zoom In
Disposable Plastic Silverware
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