
Sensenbrenner Statement on Fiscal Cliff Deal
January 2, 2013  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) issued this statement regarding his vote against the fiscal cliff deal that hikes job-killing taxes without including any real spending reforms: “The so-called deal doesn’t promote economic growth or job creation, it discourages it. Rather than address the driver... More

Sensenbrenner Statement on Fiscal Cliff
December 29, 2012  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) released this statement today on the President's lack of leadership to avoid the fiscal cliff: "On the eve of a fiscal disaster, President Obama has simply refused to negotiate. The Administration is spinning hard to convince the American people that the expiring... More

Report: EPA to Cancel Rule Mandating How Much Gas We Buy
December 20, 2012  - Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) today released this statement regarding a report that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may abandon a misguided rule mandating how much gas Americans have to buy at the pump: “I am encouraged to hear that the EPA is reconsidering its rule mandating how mu... More

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