Date RC# Bill Vote
12/31 654 h r 6364 Not Voting
12/31 653 h r 6612 Not Voting
12/31 652 s 3454 Not Voting
12/30 651 s 3202 Not Voting
12/30 650 h r 4057 Not Voting

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I want to serve my constituents in any way I can. Whether you need help with a federal agency, are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your project, or are considering applying to a service academy. I hope all the information in this section will be helpful.

Home loan modification information
If you think you may be eligible for the Home Affordable Modification Program
please use these guidelines issued by the U.S. Treasury Department [click here for PDF]

Help With A Federal Agency

Federal Job Postings

Help with Federal Grants


Obtaining a Federal Document

Presidential Greetings

Federal Government Links

Flag Requests
Request a flag flown over the Capitol

Kid's Page

Service Academy Nominations

District Bulletins
Archive of 46th District Bulletins