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Rep. Yoder's statement on May jobs report

Rep. Yoder’s statement on May jobs report

Unemployment rate rises to 8.2 percent


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Kevin Yoder made the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Labor released the report on May’s jobs numbers. The May jobs report shows employers added only 69,000 jobs during the month, pushing the U.S. jobless rate up to 8.2 percent. May represents the fortieth consecutive month of a national unemployment rate above 8 percent, and the first month the rate has increased in the past eleven months. Additionally, April’s jobs gains were revised down from 115,000 to 77,000 new jobs added.


“These unemployment numbers are dismal and show the economy to be slowing down rather than speeding up. Americans are understandably worried that our economy could slip back into a recession as small businesses continue to feel the weight of uncertainty coming from Washington, DC. Clearly the economic policies of this administration have not worked. For the sake of those struggling to find employment, I hope the Senate will finally consider some of the bipartisan pro-job proposals the house has already passed. We must redouble our efforts to work together to find solutions to the unemployment crisis in this country.”

