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[press_video]Barrasso: We Can Save and Strengthen Entitlement Programs
[policy_paper]Democrats’ Imbalance on Spending Cuts
[policy_paper]Better Inflation Measure Would Reduce Deficit
[leg_notice]Legistlative Notice: H.R. 1 – Vehicle for Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013
[policy_paper]Sandy Request Fails Administration’s Own Test
[policy_paper]November 2012 Unemployment Report
[policy_paper]Death Tax and AMT: Pain for Middle Class Families
[policy_paper]Congress Should Not Surrender Debt Limit
[policy_paper]On the Fiscal Cliff, Entitlement Reform Is Key
[policy_paper]Debt Limit on Agenda Again
[policy_paper]Presidential Leadership Needed on Fiscal Cliff
[policy_paper]October Unemployment Report
[policy_paper]Americans Deserve Leadership
[policy_paper]The Obama Economy: Underperforming Again
[press_release]Barrasso Op-Ed: It's Time To End The Double Taxation On American Business
[policy_paper]September 2012 Unemployment Report
[policy_paper]Democrats Steer America Toward a “Fiscal Cliff”
[policy_paper]Territorial vs. Worldwide Taxation
[leg_notice]Legislative Notice: H. J. Res. 117 – Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013
[policy_paper]QE3 Could Hurt in the End