Federal Grant Funding


Alaska is a young state, and Alaskans are always looking for innovative ways to move forward on funding opportunities for important projects and programs. With the focus on reducing the federal deficit and cutting spending, the need to get creative with financing becomes even greater. However, federal grants are still an option for finding critical funding, and Senator Begich’s office is ready to help you navigate the process.

Federal grants come from federal agencies, and they target specific needs. Applying for and administering federal dollars involves a lot of work. The information on this page will help you start looking for funding to help you accomplish your goal - whether it’s incorporating a new source of energy in your community, driving innovation in your local school or giving a hand to those in need. If you have more questions about federal grants, please contact Clare Boersma, grant coordinator, in Senator Begich’s Anchorage office at (907) 271-5915 or by email at grants@begich.senate.gov.

If you would like to receive our monthly Grants e-newsletter, sign up here: http://www.begich.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/grants-newsletter-signup

  • Alaska Staff Contact

    Clare Boersma

    Grants Coordinator

    (907) 271-5915

  • DC Staff Contact

    Cory Turner

    Legislative Aide

    (202) 224-3004

Plain text Grants Newsletters

HTML Grants Newsletters

News from U.S. Senator Mark Begich of Alaska
Home Meet Mark Services Priorities News Alaska Contact
September 2012
Alaska Grants Outreach Newsletter

Dear Friends,

September is nearly over and we are all back in the swing of school and work after a busy summer. When hunting and fishing seasons are over and the days get short, we all buckle down and get back to work on those projects we’ve had a hard time doing while the sun was shining. I spent some time cutting up trees a couple weeks ago in Anchorage after the recent windstorms, and I know when I’m home in October I’ll need to get the house ready for winter. Whatever your projects are, I hope you will take a few moments to look through the opportunities listed here to see what you might find to help your community innovate and move forward in the coming months.

Let me know if you are applying for any of these opportunities so I can advocate on your behalf in Washington. You can always get in touch with me through my website or by calling Clare Boersma in Anchorage (907-271-5915) or Cory Turner in Washington, D.C. (202-224-3004).

I look forward to hearing from you and I hope to see you next month while I’m traveling around the state.

For a full plain text version of this month's grant notices, click here.

Digital Signature
Mark Begich
United States Senator

Choose from this list the grants you would like to see:


National Science Foundation
CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 12, 2012



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Education Regional Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 21, 2012


National Science Foundation
Computing Education for the 21st Century
Current Closing Date for Applications:
March 13, 2013





U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – National Institutes of Health
NIH Centers for Accelerated Innovations
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 19, 2012



U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program, Supplemental Evaluation Projects
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 2, 2012


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Domestic Violence Prevention, Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 5, 2012



U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Health Resources & Services Administration
Preventive Medicine and Public Health Training Grant Program
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 19, 2012


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – National Institutes of Health
Prevention of HIV Transmission/Acquisition Through a Better Understanding of Reproductive Health
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 29, 2012



U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – National Institutes of Health
Basic Social and Behavioral Research on Culture, Health and Wellbeing
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 17, 2012


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 31, 2012



U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – National Institutes of Health
Design and Development of Novel Dental Composite Restorative Systems
Current Closing Date for Applications:
January 31, 2013



National Endowment for the Arts
Research: Art Works
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 6, 2012



National Endowment for the Humanities
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 4, 2012


National Endowment for the Arts
NEA Literature Fellowships: Translation Projects
Current Closing Date for Applications:
January 3, 2013





Office of National Drug Control Policy
Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Initiative
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 15, 2012



U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Violence Against Women
Training and Technical Assistance to Support Grantee Reporting
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 15, 2012


U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Violence Against Women
Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstration Initiative
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 16, 2012



Corporation for National and Community Service
2013 RSVP Competition
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 18, 2012


U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Violence Against Women
Consolidated Grant and Technical Assistance Program to Assist Children and Youth Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Violence and Engage Men and Boys as Allies
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 24, 2012



U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – National Institutes of Health
Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging
Current Closing Date for Applications:
April 7, 2015



U.S. Department of Commerce – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Species Recovery Grants to States
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 12, 2012



U.S. Department of Commerce – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Community-based Marine Debris Removal
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 1, 2012


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 9, 2012



National Science Foundation
Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 20, 2012


National Science Foundation
Ocean Acidification
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 4, 2012



U.S. Department of the Interior – Fish and Wildlife Service
Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 5, 2012


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
10th Annual P3 Awards: National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 11, 2012



National Science Foundation
National Robotics Initiative
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 11, 2012


National Science Foundation
Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 12, 2012 (Letters of intent required, due September 26, 2012)



National Science Foundation
Computing and Communication Foundations: Core Programs
Current Closing Date for Applications:
December 17, 2012


U.S. Department of Defense – Office of Naval Research
Basic and Applied Research in Sea-Based Aviation Aircraft Science and Technology
Current Closing Date for Applications:
January 17, 2013



National Science Foundation
Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters
Current Closing Date for Applications:
February 4, 2013



U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Health Resources and Services Administration
Rural Health Network Development Planning Program
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 15, 2012



U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development
Value Added Producer Grant Program
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 15, 2012


U.S. Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service
Conservation Innovation Grant
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 15, 2012



U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Native American Training and Technical Assistance
Current Closing Date for Applications:
October 16, 2012


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 14, 2012



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Brownfields Cleanup Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 19, 2012


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 19, 2012



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Brownfields Assessment Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications:
November 19, 2012


Office of U.S. Senator Mark Begich. All Rights Reserved.

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