Rep. Wasserman Schultz Statement on H.R. 358 the Protect Life Act

WASHINGTON - Today, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) made the following statement about H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act. 

“When I talk with women in my district, they are concerned about finding a job, keeping their home from foreclosure, or putting food on the table. The last thing they should have to worry about is having their constitutional rights threatened, or their health endangered. 

“That’s why I’m so appalled that the Republican majority has brought to the floor yet another bill that would limit women’s access to reproductive care, and has the potential to do real harm. 

“H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act, actually does just the opposite. This bill would override core patient protections and allow hospitals to legally refuse life-saving treatment to women. 

“This extreme legislation is dangerous for women’s health and does nothing to address the jobs crisis facing American families. I urge my Republican colleagues to stop these dangerous initiatives against women’s health, and join Democrats in continuing to work toward rebuilding our economy and putting America back to work.” 


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