Statement on the President’s speeches regarding the safety and security of Israel and the future of Middle East peace

Today, Rep. Wasserman Schultz praised President Obama for his continued, unequivocal support of Israel as detailed in several speeches in the last week:

“Over the past week, both today at the AIPAC Policy Conference, and last Thursday, President Obama has demonstrated his stalwart dedication to the safety and security of our friend and ally, Israel. He reiterated our nation’s unwavering support for the Jewish state, stressing that ‘the bonds between the United States and Israel are unbreakable – and the commitment of the United States to the security of Israel is ironclad.’ As the President noted, this commitment to Israel stems from our nations’ shared values and the profound and personal friendship we have shared for more than six decades.

“Both on Thursday and today, President Obama presented a foundation for Israel’s security, completely and undeniably rejecting the notion that the Palestinians can unilaterally declare a state, as well as the notion that Israel should have to negotiate with the terrorist group Hamas, which flagrantly denies Israel’s right to exist. The President promised that the United States ‘will continue to demand that Hamas accept the basic responsibilities of peace, including recognizing Israel’s right to exist and rejecting violence and adhering to all existing agreements.’ Only after such principles are fulfilled could Israel be expected to negotiate through direct, bi-lateral talks with the Palestinians. The President reiterated long-standing American foreign policy that, should the Palestinians meet these criteria, negotiations be based on the 1967 lines incorporating mutually agreed upon land swaps that recognize both the current situation on the ground and the vital need to protect Israel’s security."

“Importantly, he pledged to redouble our efforts to derail Iran’s nefarious ambitions to nuclear power and he reaffirmed our commitment to Israel’s qualitative military edge and foreign aid, including the $205 million for the Iron Dome technology that has recently prevented missiles from entering Israel from Gaza.

"As a Jewish Member of Congress who cares deeply about preserving Israel as a Jewish, democratic state, I am proud that President Obama spoke forcefully about continuing the United States' strong and stalwart support of Israel."

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