We Must Remain Focused on Issues Important to Israel, U.S.


(Washington, DC)  --  Vice President Biden went to Israel to underscore the strength of the U.S.-Israel relationship, to mark the beginning of the new round of proximity talks, and to make it abundantly clear that preventing a nuclear-armed Iran is one of our top priorities. Unfortunately, the announcement by the Israeli Interior Ministry of a plan to build 1,600 housing units in Ramat Shlomo disrupted these goals, and even with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s apology, was ill-timed and disappointing.

That being said, I strongly believe that it is now time to move past this recent exchange and tone down the rhetoric and criticism of Israel. Today Israel finds itself yet again under missile attack from her enemies and we cannot allow this past week’s controversy to distract us from the more important issues at hand.

Peace is complex for all parties involved and must be approached from a broader context. Israel, our most stalwart ally, has made numerous concessions over decades to move the peace process forward. Nonetheless, the Jewish State still endures terrible emotional and economic hardship from terrorist cowards and hostile states such as Iran, determined to injure and destroy innocent lives.     

Excessively rehashing this incident is to our own and the world’s detriment. The more we continue to dwell on it, the more time will pass in which Iran moves forward in its attempt to acquire a nuclear weapon, the false and misleading Goldstone Report continues to gain traction, and Hamas continues to do all that it can to block any chance for peace. These are serious global issues that deserve our unfettered attention, concern, and energy. We must not allow a momentary, inadvertent lapse in judgment to drive a wedge between close allies and friends, the U.S. and Israel. I am confident that Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama will continue to work hand in hand to alleviate these continued threats. As the Obama Administration has recently reiterated, our bond with Israel is and will continue to be unbreakable.

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