President's Speech to Be Witnessed by Local South Floridian - Miramar mother of two and health care worker invited to attend Joint Session of Congress

Washington, DC - Miramar resident Rosalyn Frazier will have a once in a lifetime experience tonight, as she sits in the Gallery of the United States House of Representatives to watch President Obama address a joint session of the U.S. Congress to discuss the ongoing health care debate. The last time that Congress was addressed by a President for a special session was by President Bush following the September 11th terrorist attacks.

As the head of the Broward Community & Family Health Centers (BCFHC), Ms. Frazier is no stranger to the challenges that thousands of South Floridians face in trying to obtain health care. BCFHC is a non-profit organization that provides accessible comprehensive high quality primary and preventive care services to those struggling to make it in today’s economy. They focus on preventive care and health education to promote healthier lifestyles.

In April, Ms. Frazier, and the Hollywood location of the BCFHC, hosted Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to discuss the challenges community health clinics were facing, and to announce how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would allow BCFHC to open a new clinic in West Park, creating 13 new jobs. Because of the downturn in the economy and reduced funding, BCHFC was going to have to reduce services and eliminate two jobs even though the number of people needing their services was increasing. Now nearly five months later, BCFHC has just opened its new West Park location, helping to fill the gap in that community for accessible and affordable health care.

As a member of Congress, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is granted one visitor’s seat in the House Gallery for President Obama’s speech. Ms. Frazier will attend tonight’s speech as Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s guest.

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