VIDEO: Rep. Wasserman Schultz's PROTECT Our Children Act (H.R. 3845) -Video testimony and news clips about legislation to protect children from internet sex predators

(Washington, DC)  -- The PROTECT Act (H.R. 3845), introduced by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, takes a bold step forward in addressing the growing problem of child exploitation.  On October 17, 2007, Rep. Wasserman Schultz was invited to testify before the House Judiciary Committee during a hearing on Sex Crimes and the Internet.  Later, as a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Wasserman Schultz questioned representatives of the FBI, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, the National Association to Protect Children, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children regarding the proliferation of sex crimes against children on the internet.  The following clips are stories from this hearing and testimony of a special witness, 19 year old Alicia Kozakiewicz, who testified about her abduction at age 13 by an older man who befriended her online.  She testified about how the abduction occurred and how she was very lucky to have been rescued by the FBI.  At the end of Alicia's testimony she urged the committee to support Rep. Wasserman Schultz's PROTECT Act.

Left: Rep. Wasserman Schultz talks about PROTECT on MSNBC. Right: CBS4 Miami on the hearing.

Left: Rep. Wasserman Schultz's testimony at Judiciary. Right: Alicia Kozakiewicz's testimony.

Left: ABC News reports on the hearing. Right: Rep. Wasserman Schultz questions the FBI.

Left: Rep. Wasserman Schultz questions anti-sex crime experts. Right: CNN Reports on hearing.

Left: Mr. Weeks of Right: Wasserman Schultz questioned FBI Dir. Mueller on 7/27/07

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