Wasserman Schultz Rings Wall Street Opening Bell With Democratic Colleagues

(Washington, DC)  --  Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz along with other Democratic Colleagues from the House of Representatives rang the opening bell on Wall Street on Tuesday.  Her trip to New York included the opportunity to meet one-on-one with brokers and specialists on the trading floor and a meeting with John Thain, NYSE CEO.


"It was an honor to open the trading day on the New York Stock Exchange," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz.  "Across the world, our markets are recognized as safe, fair and open.  This is a tribute to the delicate balance we have here in the United States between the free market and government oversight, a system that has proven beneficial for both the consumer and business."


Rep. Wasserman Schultz joined the following members of the House of Representatives: Representative Brian Higgins (NY-27), Jim Costa (CA-20), John Barrow (GA-12), Melissa Bean (IL-08), Emanual Cleaver (MO-05), Allyson Schwartz (PA-13), Gwen Moore (WI-04), Paul Kanjorski (PA-11), and Joseph Crowley (NY-7).

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Editors please note: A high resolution photo of the members ringing the opening bell is available for publication.


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