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Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy
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  • Government Official
    Proudly representing the 4th Congressional District of South Carolina. Please contact my office at 202-225-6030 to relay any questions, comments, or concerns.
  1. Happy Birthday to the US National Guard! Thank you for 376 years of service to our country.
  2. Great graph by Rep. Paul Ryan! It shows how spending is our problem and it must be solved to save us from the fiscal cliff.
    Photo: Great graph by Rep. Paul Ryan! It shows how spending is our problem and it must be solved to save us from the fiscal cliff.
  3. If you missed today's Oversight hearing.
  4. In case you missed last night's segment.
  5. Today marks the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Let us honor and remember the service and sacrifice of those brave heroes.
  6. Joining Lou Dobbs tonight at 7:30 on Fox Business to discuss the upcoming fiscal cliff and today's announcement from Sen. Jim DeMint.

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