Senate Democrats

Tag gender equality

How It’s Playing: GOP Filibusters Paycheck Fairness Act

Associated Press – Senate GOP Blocks Democrats’ Equal Pay Bill – Senate Republicans have blocked a bill that calls for equal pay in the workplace. As expected, the vote Tuesday fell short of the 60 votes needed to advance the legislation. President Obama and his Democratic allies argue that the legislation is needed to protect…


Reid Statement On Republican Filibuster Of Pay Equity Bill

Washington, D.C.—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued the following statement after Republicans unanimously blocked a bill that would have helped close the wage gap for women: “As their unanimous vote to deny women pay equality shows, Republicans want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore the reality that American women experience in the…


GOP Gets Tongue Tied Trying To Defend Opposition To Equal Pay For Women

Top Republican Mocked For Flailing Answer On ‘Morning Joe’; MSNBC Host: ‘Aw, Come On … You Got Nothin’!’ Washington Times: With No Good Arguments To Make, ‘Republicans Have Been Mostly Silent’ FORMER GOP CHAIRMAN GETS TONGUE TIED, MOCKED OVER OPPOSITION TO PAYCHECK FAIRNESS ACT. Mika Brzezinski, Co-Host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe: “Michael Steele, it’s about…


Reid: Democrats Stand For Equality For Every Working Woman, Republicans Stand For Obstructionism

Nine Out of 10 Americans – Including 81 Percent of Men and 77 Percent of Republicans – Support Pay Equity Legislation Senate Republicans Oppose Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding the Paycheck Fairness Act. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: Most Americans believe if they…


DPCC State-By-State Reports Show Alarming Gender-Based Pay Gap Throughout All 50 States

 Nationally, Women Earn Significantly Less Than Men for the Same Work—Ranges as High as 30% in Some States  In All but One State, Wage Disparity is in Double Digits; Places a Heavy Burden on Women Who Are Their Families’ Primary Wage Earners Paycheck Fairness Act Set To Receive Key Vote in Senate Tomorrow Washington, DC –…


Reid: Paycheck Fairness Act Good For Women And Good For The Economy – So Republicans Oppose It

Republicans Poised To Send Message To Women That Their Work Is Less Valuable Because They Were Born Female Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding the Paycheck Fairness Act. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: When Congress passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, women working…


Reid: Republicans Deny War On Women, Then Oppose Legislation To Help Women Achieve Equal Pay For Equal Work

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding the bipartisan efforts to pass the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act and a temporary renewal of the flood insurance program. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: I was pleased yesterday to reach an agreement with the…


Reid Statement On Equal Pay Day

Washington, D.C.—Nevada Senator Harry Reid issued the following statement on Equal Pay Day, which marks the day to which the average woman has to work to earn what the average man earned last year: “Equal Pay Day is a reminder that our nation’s gender pay gap is still a reality that holds back women professionally…


Reid, Mikulski, DeLauro Mark Equal Pay Day By Introducing Bill To Close Pay Gap For Women

Paycheck Fairness Act Strengthens Federal Pay Equity Laws Washington, D.C. – In honor of Equal Pay Day, Nevada Senator Harry Reid joined Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today in introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act to strengthen federal pay equity laws and ensure equal pay for equal work. Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced the bill in the House of Representatives.…
