Senate Democrats

September 2007
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Month September 2007

Senate Floor Wrap Up For Friday, September 28, 2007

S.Res.337, a resolution authorizing a reprinting of the Standing Rules of the Senate var addthis_options = “facebook,twitter,email,print,bitly,more”; var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true,”data_ga_property”:”UA-7132269-4″,”data_ga_social”:true,”data_track_addressbar”:false,”data_track_textcopy”:false};


Twelve-Year-Old CHIP Participant Asks President To Sign Children’s Health Renewal Into Law

Washington, DC—Graeme Frost, 12, delivers this week’s Democratic Radio Address.  Because of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Graeme was able to get the medical care he needed after a serious car accident caused severe brain trauma, paralyzed one of his vocal chords and put him in a coma.  He asks President Bush to sign…


What is the Bush Administration’s Spending in Iraq Buying the American People in Terms of National Security?

To date, the Iraq war has cost U.S. taxpayers more than $450 billion.  This figure is nearly nine times the original White House estimate of $50 to $60 billion and more than double the upper-end estimate of $200 billion made by former Administration economic advisor, Larry Lindsey – a projection that was immediately dismissed by…


Reid: President Must Not Turn His Back On America’s Children

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today at an enrollment ceremony for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) legislation. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery, as well as background on Graeme Frost – the CHIP participant who joined Senator Reid at the ceremony and is delivering this week’s Democratic…


Bush on Climate Change: A Record of Putting Big Polluters First

Today, President Bush spoke to delegates at the Major Economies Meeting on Energy Security and Climate Change and called on individual nations to combat climate change. Unfortunately, the President and his administration have a very poor environmental and conservation record that includes manipulating and not enforcing the Clean Air Act, consistently placing the interests of oil and gas companies…


Senate Democratic Leaders To Call On Clear Channel To Renounce Limbaugh’s Attack On Our Troops

Democrats Ask Colleagues to Join in Condemning ‘Phony Soldiers’ Comment Washington, DC—Senate Democratic leaders will send the following letter early next week to Mark P. Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications, calling on him to publicly repudiate Rush Limbaugh’s characterization of troops who speak out against the Iraq war as “phony soldiers.” The leaders are…


Bush Sepnds Billions for Iraq and Multi-Millionaires, But Ignores Middle-Class and Needs Here at Home

After spending roughly half a trillion dollars on his failed Iraq policy and increasing debt by more than $3 trillion, President Bush is picking a contrived political fight with Congress over spending.  Even before seeing a single appropriations bill, the President threatened to veto legislation that exceeded his budget.  Unfortunately, that budget would shortchange the…


Democrats Are Committed to Addressing the Nation’s Housing Crisis

From coast to coast, American families are facing a record number of mortgage payment delinquencies and foreclosures. An estimated two million households may lose their homes to foreclosure this year and next, resulting in hundreds of billions of lost home equity. And no state in the nation is immune from this crisis ù every state…


Rethinking President Bush’s Iraq Policies: Alternative Strategies To Advance

For nearly four and a half years, fighting the war in Iraq has been the central priority of the Bush Administration’s national security strategy.  It has devoted $450 billion to this effort, while initiatives to stabilize Afghanistan, address the growing threat of al Qaeda and affiliated terrorist networks, and track down Osama bin Laden have…


President Bush Was for CHIP Before He Was Against It

President Bush’s repeated veto threats against the bipartisan children’s health care bill are just more examples of his signature “go it alone” style. The compromise bill, worked out with both Republicans and Democrats at the table, has garnered broad bipartisan majorities in both the House and the Senate. However, the most curious thing about the…
