
After 20 years of wind subsidies, wind power is even less efficient
The opportunity to win big plants comes rarely, and affects generations
Society must face those issues to prevent more mass murders
The agency cannot continueto ignore limits to its power
Collapse of personal responsibility poses big challenges for the state


Older workers have sweetheart deals and the younger have lower pay
Classroom doors that lock would be a sensible step
Their persistence and sacrifice will be felt for years
The Constitution has always been a work in progress
President Obama should be straight with Americans
We need to address not only weapons, but mental health and violent materials
Jaime Escalante proved it conclusively with calculus classes

Nanya Friend

People who will fight for schooling are all too rare
It's all the trees that can make life difficult at times
But what they reveal would not surface otherwise
If you cannot stand the heat, get a wet cold towel
On Election Day, government reports to us

Johanna Maurice

If the status quo is failure, why not risk success?
The Founders tried to keep us out of this mess
Welfare states = personal tragedy, national failure
Or do they just want to control workers' money?
Americans don't seem to want higher taxes
Waffling about Obama leaves voters less sure

Brad McElhinny

Let's face it, 'Buckwild' is (bleep) tame
Welcoming converts would be much smarter
This district's issues go back quite a few years
Being trapped in this city has a silver lining
Experiencing the spectacle together is fun
You get a little bit of focus, a little bit of wiggle . . .

Don Surber

What position of the Democratic Party is too liberal?
That approach is more for power than protection
He promotes obesity, is judgmental, and doesn't pay taxes
School reform, fighting MTV are good developments
Americans should be much better off by this point
Party platforms should reflect people's beliefs

Hoppy Kercheval

Mountaineers will see the future in Saturday's game
As his gun remark proves, it's not easy being Washington Joe
'Assault' rifles were involved in few shootings
The end of earth was born at the ends of the earth
States should let workers decide for themselves
WVU's mascot learned a life lesson when he killed a bear

Charles Krauthammer

Will Obama also target Hollywood and the ACLU?
Rust Belt states face a necessity for readjustment
Democrats want tax hikes now, discipline later
Because Hamas and Iran gain from terrorism
Big government is failing; smaller is sustainable
Obama wants citizens to lead a supervised life
Romney should have hit Obama on Benghazi 

Robert Samuelson

How well are we serving the best of our students?
By 1980, inflation rose to 13 percent;  joblessness, 7 percent
Census Bureau saved a national treasure of data
A bad economy gives 20-somethings bad start in adulthood

Thomas Sowell

Gun controls often correlate with high murder rates
Some programs help, and others actually do harm
Democrats are talking good politics, not good economics
Anti-American mentors were his role models
Welfare statists expand benefits to win voters

George Will

Yes, Social Security adds $165 billion to the 2012 deficit
Democrats using just one more crisis to expand government
Democrats' tax hikes will darken Americans' future
Louisiana Benedictines embark on crime
The REINS Act requires Congress to OK regulations