Recent events have brought to light a great need for improvement in many areas that affect veterans and their families, including conditions in VA hospitals, mental health care programs and changes in heath care and benefits.

In the past year, I have visited VA facilities and spoken with many veterans about these issues. I am also kept informed by the staff in my district offices who work with veterans who have asked for assistance with the VA and other federal agencies.

In addition, I have conducted several interviews with veterans for the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project. These interviews have been very inspiring to me and have deepened my respect and admiration for the men and women who are willing to sacrifice for their country.

I have a strong record of supporting veterans and military retirees. I have supported legislation to increase funding for the VA and address the needs of veterans in regard to education, healthcare, and benefits for disabled veterans.

The 21st Congressional District is home to many veterans, current members of the military, and their families. I will continue to work for the servicemen and women who have sacrificed so that all Americans might be free.