Like many Americans, I am concerned about the environment. The Earth has undergone tremendous change in the past and is experiencing similar change now. Climate change has the potential to impact agriculture, ecosystems, sea levels, weather patterns, and human health.

It is our responsibility to take steps to improve the quality of our land, water and air for ourselves and for future generations. We can do this by developing and expanding clean energy technologies, relying less on foreign oil, and utilizing a common sense approach to conservation.

As a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, I am committed to ensuring that we rely on good science to guide our strategies in dealing with the environment.

I introduced renewable energy legislation that was included in H.R. 6, the “Energy Independence and Security Act.” This legislation, which became law on December 19, 2007, creates incentives for Plug-In Hybrid Electric vehicles, creates a grant program for solar demonstrations and public-private partnerships, expands the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), increases corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, and requires increased energy efficiency standards for consumer appliances.

I am a cosponsor of H.R. 445, the “Heavy Duty Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act.”  This legislation establishes a competitive grant program to advance research and development for advanced heavy duty hybrid vehicles.  This legislation passed the House on September 9, 2009, and now awaits action in the Senate. 

I have championed solar technology development in Texas. The U.S. Department of Energy has selected the City of Austin (2007) and the City of San Antonio (2008) as two of the first 25 cities to be awarded a Solar America Cities grant.

These technologies can help provide a cleaner environment for our children while at the same time reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

For more information on the environment and climate change, please visit the following websites: