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Committee on Financial Services

United States House of Representatives

Press Release

Barney Frank’s Statement on Export-Import Bank Reauthorization

May 8, 2012

WASHINGTON -- Congressman Barney Frank, Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, today released the following statement about the recent agreement to reauthorize funding of the Export-Import Bank.

I appreciate the work of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and others in forging an agreement on this strong authorization of the Export-Import Bank through 2014. I only regret that the right-wing ideologues in the Republican caucus made it take so long to accomplish, and I find it ironic that the uncertainty that is hurting American business has been caused by Republicans.

I am also grateful for the efforts of Subcommittee Chairman Gary Miller and Ranking Member Carolyn McCarthy, the sponsors of this bill.  Their work has produced legislation which will continue to support American businesses and return money to the taxpayer. 


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