Date RC# Bill Vote
12/31 654 h r 6364 Not Voting
12/31 653 h r 6612 Not Voting
12/31 652 s 3454 Not Voting
12/30 651 s 3202 Not Voting
12/30 650 h r 4057 Not Voting

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  • Rohrabacher Joins Burton in Petition to Help Navy SEALS
    Dec 9, 2009 - Petitions have begun to circulate around Congress and across America asking that the Pentagon dismiss any charges against the three Navy SEALs who captured Ahmed Hashim Abed. Abed is the mastermind behind the brutal mutilation and murder of four American civilians in Fallujah in 2004 who now claims ... More
  • Remembering Pearl Harbor
    Dec 7, 2009 - On Dec. 7, 1941, Imperial Japan launched a surprise attack on our Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, killing 2,400 people and wounding over 1,000. The next day, the United States officially entered World War II. The date, as President Roosevelt said, “will live in infamy.” It will and it should. It should ... More
  • Welcome to Hill Happenings!
    Dec 7, 2009 - Working in the District Washington, Tues, Dec 8 - House convenes for Legislative Business Rep. Rohrabacher will be giving a one hour Special Order speech on the House Floor on the controversy surrounding “Climategate” and the Copenhagen Climate Summit Annual Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony... More
  • The New Republic: Rohrabacher named one of six most influential Members of Congress on Afghanistan
    Dec 2, 2009 - No matter what you think of it, the kind of troop increase that President Obama announced tonight is going to be expensive. With an estimated $1 billion dollar price tag for each additional thousand troops deployed, the new strategy will drive costs well above the $130 billion originally budgeted by... More
  • Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
    Dec 1, 2009 - Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash, says Christopher Booker. A week after my colleague James Delingpole , on his Telegraph blog, coined the term "Climategate" to describe the scandal revealed by the leaked emails from the ... More
  • ***PRESS STATEMENT*** Rohrabacher Will Vote Against Troop Funding if Brought Before the House
    Dec 1, 2009 - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has issued the following statement in reaction to President Obama’s decision to send an additional 30,000 American troops to Afghanistan as part of a new strategy. “Sending 30,000 more combat troops to Afghanistan will not make us any safer,” says Rohrabacher. “ Focusing... More
  • Health Care Bill Fails To Block Illegals from Coverage
    Nov 30, 2009 - Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants could receive health care coverage from their employers under the bills winding their way through Congress, despite President Obama's explicit pledge that illegal immigrants would not benefit. The House bill mandates, and the Senate bill strongly encourage... More
  • Welcome to Hill Happenings!
    Nov 30, 2009 - Working in the District Washington, Tues, Dec 1 - House convenes for Legislative Business. President Obama’s prime time Address to the nation to announce the administration’s new war strategy in Afghanistan. Rep. Rohrabacher is scheduled to give a Special Order speech on the House floor on the upco... More
  • Letter to the Editor- Washignton Times--Don’t Fault Aghan Gen. Dostum
    Nov 26, 2009 - The Associated Press story "Warlords are back in power" (World, Nov. 19), regarding the resurgence of the Afghan warlords, repeated a half-truth that has become a big lie. I am referring to the often-repeated story that Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum intentionally suffocated a large number of captured Tal... More
  • Welcome to Hill Happenings!
    Nov 16, 2009 - Working in the District Washington, Tues, Nov 17 - House convenes for legislative business. Rep. Rohrabacher will give a one hour Special Order speech on Afghanistan at 6:30pm EST. Video can be found on the front page of the website. Washington, Wed, Nov 18 - House convenes for legislative business.... More