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  • Labrador Statement on "Fiscal Cliff" Deal

    WASHINGTON, D.C. –Idaho First District Congressman Raúl R. Labrador issued the following statement after voting against the Biden-McConnell bill to resolve the "fiscal cliff" issue

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  • Labrador Announces Staff Changes

    WASHINGTON, D.C. –Idaho First District Congressman Raúl R. Labrador today announced the departure of chief of staff John Goodwin. Labrador's current legislative director Jason Bohrer will replace Goodwin as chief of staff.

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  • Labrador Assigned to Judiciary Committee

    WASHINGTON, D.C. –Idaho First District Congressman Raúl Labrador has been assigned to the House Committee on the Judiciary for the 113th Congress. Committee assignments take effect when the 113th Congress convenes on January 3, 2013.

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  • Conversations With Conservatives

    Get the inside scoop from the House's champions of conservatism! Date: Wednesd...

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