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Graves and Jenkins Request Pre-Flooding Corps Visit

(Washington) U.S. Congressman Sam Graves, along with Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (KS-02), requested today that the Division Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers personally visit areas along the Missouri River expected to flood. The invitation to Brigadier General John McMahon is intended to provide a first-hand look at the impact of river management.

Graves and Jenkins will personally show the commander farms, homes and businesses that will be affected and introduce constituents whose property will be damaged.

In a phone call to the Commander earlier this week, Graves asked the Corps of Engineers to slow releases at upstream dams which are set for record amounts later this month.

The full text of the invitation letter is below:

Dear Brigadier General McMahon:

We are writing you today about the planned releases from Gavins Point and the subsequent anticipated flooding along the lower Missouri River. As numerous communities, farmers and businesses in at-risk areas brace for this impending disaster, we would like to invite you to see their work first-hand. It is our hope that by visiting these locations which expect to be greatly affected, you will better understand the near-annual battering these communities endure.

We invite you to join us, and potentially other delegation members, for a windshield tour on Friday, June 10 at 3:00 p.m. We will tour the communities of St. Joseph, Missouri and Elwood, Kansas and take a look at levees, farms and other areas preparing for flooding.

This tour will provide an up close and personal look at the lives that will be affected and the preparations being taken for this impending disaster.

We hope your schedule will permit your attendance or that of your next in command. Please feel free to contact Melissa Roe on Rep. Graves’ staff at (816) 792-3976 to confirm your attendance.

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