Urban Institute nonprofit social and economic policy research
January 6, 2013


48% Decrease in Number of Uninsured by Medicaid Expansion under the ACA

The Cost & Coverage Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion

Following the June 2012 Supreme Court decision, states must choose whether to adopt the Medicaid expansion. Their choices will have enormous consequences for health coverage of low-income people. UI researchers provide state-by-state estimates of the impact of the ACA on federal and state Medicaid costs, Medicaid enrollment, and the number of uninsured. Read More.

Fiscal Cliff Calculator

Fiscal Cliff Calculator

As yet-another congressional deadline for dealing with expiring tax cuts looms, TPC releases a new Fiscal Cliff Calculator to compare potential outcomes. This tool helps clarify how current tax policy affects real families and what would happen if that policy changes. Use the Calculator.

Waiting Room

Will There Be Enough Providers to Meet the Need?

Much of the Affordable Care Act's success will hinge on access to care, particularly as millions of newly insured Americans strain the capacity of the health care system. Drawing on the experiences of ten study states, this brief examines how states are addressing these challenges. Read more.

Fiscal cliff chart

Toppling Off
the Fiscal Cliff

The looming fiscal cliff threatens to boost taxes by more than $500 billion in 2013 when many temporary tax provisions are scheduled to expire. Nearly 90 percent of Americans would pay more tax. Read TPC's analysis of the tax increases, including effects on revenue, distribution, and marginal tax rates. Read More.