Senator Ben Cardin

Senator Ben Cardin


Updates from the Office of U.S. Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland

Maryland/Washington, DC ·

  1. Visited Crisfield They along w/ others in still hurt from . We all have a stake in rebuilding/strengthening

  2. Anticipating fair-open confirmation process examining 's extensive experience finding solid, appropriate solutions to fiscal challenges

  3. We're 69 short of 6,000 followers. RT and help us reach 6,000 by the end of the week. Thx for all your support. :)

  4. Education is the great equalizer, Im a product of , & proud of good work.They need to be backed up w/ smart public funding

  5. "You've already spent the money, you've got to pay the bills Lets not talk debt ceiling lets talk smart deficit reduction"

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