February 26, 2010 - OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Visclosky

OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Visclosky (PDF 4MB)

On December 2, 2009, the OCE transmitted a referral to the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct of the United States House of Representatives regarding Representative Peter Visclosky.

Nature of Review

In fiscal year 2009, Representative Peter Visclosky authored several earmarks for clients of PMA Group, Inc. (hereafter "PMA"). During campaign cycle 2008 and 2010, Representative Visclosky received contributions to his campaign committee and Leadership PAC from PMA's PAC, PMA employees, and the PACs of PMA clients for whom he authored earmarks, and the employees of those clients. In March 2008, Representative Visclosky solicited PMA clients for campaign contributions and provided them with special access to him and his staff one week before authoring their earmarks.

If Representative Visclosky solicited or accepted contributions or other items of value in exchange for or because of an official act, or solicited or accepted contributions or other items of value in a matter which gave the appearance that the contributions were linked to an official act, then Representative Visclosky may have violated 18 U.S.C. § 201(b) (Bribery), 18 U.S.C. § 201(c)(Illegal Gratuities), 5 U.S.C. § 7353 (Gifts), and House Rules and Standards of Conduct.

OCE Recommendation

The Board of the OCE recommended that the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct further review the above allegations.

Committee Conclusion

On February 26, 2010, the Committee issued a report closing its investigation of this matter and dismissing it.

Last Updated Tuesday, July 31, 2012