Congressman Doc Hastings

Serving Central Washington

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  • We Must Work Together to Prevent Across-the-Board Spending Cuts and Tax Increases
    Nov 23, 2012  - There is no question that the past few years have been challenging for many Americans. Americans have weathered 45 straight months of unemployment ranging from 7 to 10 percent. After four years of running trillion-dollar deficits, our national debt currently stands at $16.2 trillion. These figures a... More
  • House Passes Tax Relief Bill for All Americans
    Aug 1, 2012  - Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, by a bipartisan vote of 256 to 171. This important legislation will extend current tax rates for all Americans and prevent a $4 trillion tax increase scheduled to take effect on January 1st. “A tax hi... More
  • Bringing Transparency to the Federal Reserve System
    Jul 27, 2012  - Nearly 100 years ago, Congress created the Federal Reserve System to address disruptions in our financial system. At the time, our country was recovering from a string of panics that had left many banks with no money. The creation of the Fed restored confidence in our financial system. But as our co... More
  • Hastings Hails House Passage of Bill to Audit the Fed
    Jul 25, 2012  - Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, with a bipartisan vote of 327 to 98. This legislation will give the Government Accountability Office (GAO) the authority it needs to conduct a full examination of our central banking system. Currently, The Fed... More
  • Hastings’ Statement on House Vote to Repeal Health Care Law
    Jul 11, 2012  - Congressman Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding today’s vote to repeal Obamacare, which passed the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 244 to 185: “Today marks the 31st time I have voted to repeal, defund, and eliminate all and parts of this trillion dollar, governme... More
  • Vote: Give Doc Your Opinion on Obamacare
    Jun 18, 2012  - The Supreme Court’s decision on whether Obamacare is constitutional is expected to come out later this month. How do you think the court should rule on the law? Click here to give Doc your opinion and get up to the minute information on healthcare reform. More
  • Statement from Congressman Doc Hastings on the GOP Budget for America’s Future
    Mar 30, 2012  - “This budget cuts $5 trillion in federal spending, simplifies and removes loopholes from our tax code, brings down our crushing debt, grows our economy, protects funding for our troops, and strengthens critical retirement programs for American seniors,” said Congressman Doc Hastings. “The American p... More
  • Around Central Washington
    Feb 24, 2012  - Serving as your representative in the United States Congress is a great honor. One of the best and most important parts of my job is meeting with and listening to those in Central Washington. This past week, I had an opportunity to stop in the Tri-Cities, Grandview, Sunnyside, Yakima, Moses Lake, an... More
  • Setting Budget Priorities
    Feb 17, 2012  - Every family and small business in Central Washington lives by a budget. Whether monthly or annually, we set priorities and make decisions about how we will spend the money that we have earned. Now just imagine if your family or business decided not to pay your largest expenses, like your mortgage, ... More
  • Reining in our Nation's Deficit
    Feb 3, 2012  - Earlier this week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its annual report on our nation’s economy and budget outlook for the year ahead. While this should come as no surprise, this report predicts a grim picture of sky-high deficits, slow economic growth and continued high unem... More