Health Care: A Free-Market Approach

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Health Care

Health Care will be the hot topic for the California political community in 2007. The Pacific Research Institute offers its views.

What States Can Do to Reform Health Care: A Free-Market Primer

Getting Our Money’s Worth?

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Growth, Development & Infrastructure

The Reason Foundation ranks state highway systems based on cost effectiveness. California is 48th.

15th Annual Performance of State Highway Systems

Gay Marriage as a Business Proposition

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Children and Families :: Economy and Business :: Social Policy

The gay marriage debate tends to be framed as a battle in the culture war, but the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law examines the impact on businesses. On balance, researchers see good things for businesses and public coffers.

The Effect of Marriage Equality and Domestic Partnership on Business and the Economy

How to Make It in the World

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Economy and Business

With another tech boom underway, the Bay Area Economic Forum presents essays on global competition and the business climate.

The Innovation Edge: Meeting the Global Competitive Challenge

The Latest on Global Warming

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Resources and Environment

Environment California Research and Policy Center summarizes what it sees as the evidence of global warming.

Feeling the Heat: Global Warming and Rising Temperatures in the United States

Health Care for Children: Three Easy Steps

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Health Care

How to expand health care for children? The California Healthcare Foundation offers a recipe. First, simplify. That means streamlining a welter of programs. Second, automate. Technology can be our friend. And third, follow the leader. Some counties are already doing great things. Others should follow suit.

Simplify, Automate and Follow the Leader: Lessons on Expanding Health Coverage for Children

What Works in Schools

Posted on November 28th, 2006 — in Education

PACE examines efforts to improve student achievement at three case-study districts: Lemon Grove, Long Beach, and Ceres.

Snapshots of Reform: District Efforts to Raise Student Achievement Across Diverse Communities in California