Committee On

Oversight & Government Reform


January 2, 2013
Announcing 113th Congress Oversight Chairmen

“Each has demonstrated a dedication to the Committee’s mission of establishing a more efficient, transparent and solvent federal government. The American people have a right to expect that their tax dollars are being used responsibly and judiciously.” – Chairman Issa Continue reading

January 1, 2013
House Passes Bill to Overturn $11 Billion Obama “Congressional Pay Hike” Order

“The President, the Senate Majority, and the House Minority have not been able to agree to even the most meager spending cuts,” Issa said in the statement. “Yet the President’s executive order gives all members of Congress a salary hike on top of the $174,000 a year we already earn.” Continue reading

December 28, 2012
Issa Praises Inclusion of ‘Fast and Furious’ Provisions in 113th Congress Rules Package

“The Justice Department has still not met its legal obligations to turn over documents showing why it waited ten months to formally retract false denials of reckless tactics in Operation Fast and Furious and why it failed to appropriately respond to whistleblower allegations. The new Congress will be steadfast in its commitment to getting the full truth about this reckless gunwalking effort that has been linked to murders on both sides of our border with Mexico.” Continue reading

Issa Statement on Obama Administration’s Release of New Regulations Agenda On the Last Business Day Before Christmas

On the last business day before Christmas at 3 p.m., the Obama Administration finally released the 9-month overdue Spring 2012 Unified Agenda…

December 27, 2012
Oversight Releases New Report: Restoring Government Oversight and Accountability

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today released a new Committee staff report chronicling the impact of oversight in the 112th Congress as result of efforts to restore meaningful oversight that had been diminished during the two years of one-party rule in the previous Congress. Continue reading

December 20, 2012
Issa on $80 Billion in Spending Cuts Found by the Oversight Committee [VIDEO]

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., spoke during debate on H.R. 6684, the Spending Reduction Act of 2012. Continue reading

Issa, Hatch Seek Information on Obamacare Contracts

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, today sent a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius seeking information about contracting for the “design, management, and implementation the federally-facilitated health insurance exchanges (federal exchanges) and the federal-state partnership exchanges” created by Obamacare. Continue reading

HGH: Why Should Football Fans Care? [VIDEO]

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today released a new video – “HGH: Why Should Football Fans…

December 19, 2012
House Passes Accountability, Transparency Reforms

WASHINGTON- Today the House of Representatives advanced several transparency and accountability government reforms into law. “The three reforms we advanced…

Issa Statement on Unclassified ARB Report on Benghazi Attack

Issa: Clinton must personally address misleading testimony, information withheld from public. Continue reading