Before Senator Risch can make inquiries on your behalf, many federal agencies require that you send us a signed copy of the Privacy Act Waiver. Please fill out the information below, then manually fill out the Social Security number and signature fields before mailing or faxing to Senator Risch's office.

Due to the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579) Federal and State agencies are prohibited from releasing information or discussing anything regarding an individual without that person's written permission. Your signature on this page authorizes me and my representatives to contact the appropriate officials on your behalf, discuss the issue, and receive any appropriate information. Your signature also gives us permission to send a copy of this form and any attached letters or supporting documentation to the appropriate agency. Please know that we respect your privacy and will provide your documents only to those agencies or individuals who are involved in your case.

Please Note: this form is for printing only; this information will not be transferred by email or into a database.
Full Name:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
E-mail Address:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip Code:    
Date of Birth:    
Case Number:
Detailed Description of Problem: