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Congresswoman Ellmers believes that improving education for our children is an important priority. As a mother and an involved parent, she knows that our schools work best with local control and parental involvement while holding teachers accountable.

 Congresswoman Ellmers knows that America is home to the finest universities in the world, but our elementary and secondary schools are in need of improvement. At the top of the list is the need to give control of our schools back to our teachers and school boards while limiting the bureaucracy that has prevented progress.

 Her commitment is to continue to strengthen our education system and formulate dialogue between state and federal officials to ensure our needs are met all across the state of North Carolina. By reinstating local control of our schools, we can strengthen our education system and make sure every student gets the education he or she needs to succeed. As a Member of Congress, but more importantly as a mother, the state of North Carolina can count on her support for students and educators across the state.