
Battleground Ohio

Corrupt Democrats of 2012: Bonus Bunch

| October 25th, 2012

ANNOUNCER: From personal favors to cover ups, backroom deals to special trips. These are the 10 most corrupt Dems of 2012.

This week’s Corrupt Democrats: The Bonus Bunch.

It’s the story of four politicians who thought they could do whatever they wanted.

They gave us ObamaCare. The stimulus. Trillions in new debt.

And what happened?

Voters kicked them out.

But even that wasn’t enough to curb their spending addiction.

Even after being booted out of office by voters, these Democrats splurged — spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on salary increases and bonuses to their staffs.

Charlie Wilson spent $119,000.

Despite losing the election, Carol Shea Porter paid two staffers over $11,000 for two days of work.

Dan Maffei paid out almost $200,000.

And last but not least, Ann Kirkpatrick burned through an astonishing $105,000 on employee salaries in the last 48 hours in office.

They wasted your money. Now they all want their jobs back!

It’s time to tell this corrupt bunch once and for all – don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

Rigged the Game – OH-16 – Betty Sutton

| October 21st, 2012

The script for this ad is as follows:

 ANNOUNCER: Scott Peters helped cause a national scandal by deliberately underfunding our pension system.

 And even after he got caught, he tried it again at the Port Commission.

 He didn’t learn his lesson.


 And wrong.

 Do you really, really want Scott Peters voting on your social security and Medicare in Washington?

 Think about that.

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Spent – OH-06 – Charlie Wilson

| October 14th, 2012

The script for this ad is as follows:


ANNOUNCER: Its tough enough these days to pay for things you need,

 But Charlie Wilson spends your money on things you don’t.

 Wilson voted for Obama’s $800 billion stimulus that let Wall Street executives take bonuses,

 And give a $500 million dollar loan to a failed solar energy company.

 It even created jobs in China-

 We need jobs here.

 That’s why we fired Charlie Wilson.

 He spent, you paid.

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Message – OH-16 – Betty Sutton

| October 14th, 2012

The script for this ad is as follows:

 ANNOUNCER: Betty Sutton has a message for small business-

 Don’t hire new workers, don’t keep the ones you have.

 Because Sutton’s pushing a plan to raise taxes on nearly 900,000 small businesses.

 Sutton’s plan could destroy 700,000 jobs.

 700,000 jobs gone.

 Betty Sutton couldn’t be clearer-

 Tax increase for small business, devastating job losses for Ohio.

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Funny – OH-06 – Charlie Wilson

| October 7th, 2012

The script for this ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: Does Charlie Wilson really think job loss in Ohio is funny?

CHARLIE WILSON: We don’t need to fire Obama, we don’t need to stop the war on coal.

ANNOUNCER: Wilson claims he was just mocking a slogan, but after 100,000 Ohio jobs have been lost under President Obama, his job killing war on coal shouldn’t be mocked

CHARLIE WILSON: We don’t need to fire Obama, we don’t need to stop the war on coal.

Ohio jobs are not material for a joke.

That’s why we fired Charlie Wilson.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Spender – OH-16 – Betty Sutton

| September 30th, 2012

Your Paycheck – OH-06 – Charlie Wilson

| September 23rd, 2012

ANNOUNCER: Everyday you spent time away from your family to go to work.

You did it for an honest paycheck to provide for them

And to pay for your Medicare.

But now Barack Obama is cutting $716 billion from Medicare to pay for ObamaCare.

Former Congressman Charlie Wilson helped him do it.

Wilson voted for Obama’s raid on Medicare.

That’s why we fired Charlie Wilson.

That money belongs to you.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

No Wonder – OH-06 – Charlie Wilson

| September 9th, 2012

WILSON: I will fight for every American job.

ANNOUNCER: That’s former Congressman Charlie Wilson saying anything to get his job back.

Because when Wilson was in Congress, he voted to pass the $831 billion stimulus package that allowed more than $2 billion to go to foreign firms and created jobs in China.

WILSON: No wonder that Ohio has lost more than 100,000 jobs just to China.

ANNOUNCER: No wonder?

That’s why we fired Charlie Wilson.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Tell Congresswoman Betty Sutton: Stop the Tax Hikes

| August 1st, 2012


They work nights and weekends. They make budgets. They don’t spend money they don’t have.

These are America’s small business owners.

This is Congresswoman Betty Sutton. She and President Obama spent billions of taxpayer dollars on failed programs and special favors for their friends.

They refuse to even pass a budget. They endanger our future with mountains of debt.

Now, Sutton and Obama want to raise taxes on Ohio’s small businesses in order to pay for more of their failed programs.

Sutton’s tax hikes would stop job creators from creating jobs. It’s about time we stop Sutton.

Call Congresswoman Betty Sutton. Tell her to stop the tax hikes on small business owners.