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Nominations of David Matsuda and Michael Huerta

On Tuesday, January 26, 2010 , Senator Lautenberg issued the following statement at an afternoon hearing on the nominations of David Matsuda and Michael Huerta.

“Mr. Chairman,

This hearing shall come to order.

I am pleased to welcome everyone to this important hearing on the nominations of David Matsuda to head the Maritime Administration - known as MARAD - and Michael Huerta to be Deputy FAA Administrator.

This is a good day for our country - and a proud day for me personally.

Eventually, many of the men and women who come to work with us in the Senate move on - but our hope is they remain committed to public service.

Today it’s my privilege to introduce a former staff member who personifies that commitment.

David Matsuda, my senior transportation advisor for six years, is President Obama’s nominee to be Administrator of MARAD at the Department of Transportation. 

The President and Secretary LaHood have made an excellent choice in nominating David to this critical post.

The Maritime Administration plays a critical role in port and vessel operations, maintaining the health of the merchant marine fleet, and supporting current mariners and educating future ones.

We need someone at MARAD who understands the role of the maritime sector in our economy and our national security - and how all our nation’s transportation modes fit together.

I know David is the man for the job.

David has unparalleled expertise in transportation issues: if it moves, David understands how it works.

David and I have worked together on laws that fundamentally change rail travel in this country, strengthen our nation’s oil pollution prevention and response programs and improve security at our nation’s seaports.  Time and time again, David proved himself resourceful—and successful.

I look forward to working with him again to implement the new maritime laws recently signed into law.

My Maritime Administration Authorization Act will move more of America’s freight off the roads and onto the sea by creating a new marine highway grant program.

This law also establishes a grant program to improve the capabilities of our ports.

David will be a strong partner in implementing these new programs.

David is joined today by his wife, Catherine Matsuda; his parents, Retired Major Ron Matsuda and Mary Matsuda; his in-laws, Eugene and Barbara Parsons; and his brother Michael and his sister-in-law Veronica.  They are all proud of his accomplishment.  And so are we.

I am confident that he will be an exceptional leader for our nation’s maritime system.

Today we are also considering the nomination of Michael Huerta to be Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Mr. Huerta held senior positions in the Clinton Administration’s Department of Transportation, is currently President of MPH Consulting, which specializes in transportation issues, and was a member of President Obama’s transportation transition team.

He is a graduate of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University in New Jersey.

At the FAA, he will be charged with helping to keep our skies safe and convenient for all air travelers. 

This, too, is a critical assignment - especially given the expected increase in air traffic in the coming years.

I welcome and congratulate both of our nominees and their families."

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