Senator Warner held a ‘Commonwealth Coffee’ at his Washington office today for members of Virginia’s Indian-American community.

The event was attended by about 60 Virginians, including business leaders, religious officials, educators, and military servicemen, representing the diversity of the community.


“Strong commercial ties are the cornerstone of the U.S. – India relationship,” noted Senator Warner.  “We’re seeing India welcome American multi-brand retailers, and the next step should be a bilateral investment treaty.”  Earlier this month, the Indian Parliament approved reforms that will open the country’s retail industry to foreign investors, paving the way for U.S. retail giants such as Walmart to compete in India.    

Senator Warner also spoke about continued cooperation between the two countries in the vital areas of energy and defense.

Along with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), Senator Warner chairs the Senate’s India Caucus, the largest country-specific caucus in the U.S. Senate.

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