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Breaking: US House Appropriations Committee Passes Funding for NBAF

Breaking: US House Appropriations Committee Passes Funding for NBAF

Rep. Yoder’s statement on passage of Homeland Security Appropriations bill

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Kevin Yoder made the following statement today after the House Appropriations Committee passed the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2013. The legislation includes $75 million for the construction of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, KS, and received broad bipartisan support. Representative Yoder is the lone Kansan on the House Appropriations Committee. The Homeland Security bill will come before the full House in the coming weeks.

"I am glad the committee recognized the continued important role Kansas must play in the defense of our nation. With today's appropriations bill, we've once again affirmed our commitment to protecting our homeland by making sure the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility receives the funding needed to complete construction. Numerous studies have confirmed Kansas is the safest location for a Bio-Safety Level 4 facility and the research completed in Manhattan will ensure our nation remains safe from bioterrorism. I also applaud the continued efforts of my colleagues in the Kansas delegation for all their work to ensure this facility is completed and remains in the safest and most logical location in the country for food and animal disease study.

Funding for programs such as NBAF provide long-term security for our nation to combat bioterrorism and protect our food supply. I'd like to acknowledged the hard work of Chairman Aderholdt and Chairman Rogers for bringing this bill before the committee."
