U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
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Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Water Resources Needs and the President’s Budget Proposal for the Army Corps of Engineers for Fiscal Year 2008
Thursday, March 15, 2007
10:00 AM EDT
EPW Hearing Room - 406 Dirksen


Majority Statements
Max Baucus
Benjamin L. Cardin

Minority Statements
James M. Inhofe
David Vitter
George V. Voinovich


Opening Remarks

Panel 1
Senator Russell Feingold
U.S. Senator

Panel 2
Mr. John Paul Woodley
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
Lieutenant General Carl A. Strock
Chief of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Panel 3
Mr. Doug J. Marchand
Executive Director
Georgia Ports Authority, On Behalf of the American Association of Port Authorities
Jamie Williams
State Director
The Nature Conservancy of Montana
Ms. Pamela Pogue
Hazards Program Manager
Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency, On Behalf of the Association of State Floodplain Managers

US Army Corps of Engineers Budget Hearing
Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Water Resources Needs and the President’s Budget Proposal for the Army Corps of Engineers for Fiscal Year 2008