Library in the News, 4/25/07

The New York Times reports on the makeshift shrines that have been erected to the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting rampage, and the role the Library of Congress will play in helping ensure their preservation. From the article (registration required): University officials are consulting with experts from the Library of Congress, which compiled materials …

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Library in the News, 4/24/07

The AP covers congressional consideration of a measure to officially recognize the 1507 Waldseemueller Map, which is owned by the Library of Congress and which celebrates its 500th anniversary tomorrow. (This is quite a week for Library of Congress birthdays!) It is the first document of any kind to refer to the Western Hemisphere as …

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Eye of the Beholder

The American Institute of Architects as part of its 150th anniversary recently released a list of what they felt were the best 150 works of American architecture. The Library?s Thomas Jefferson Building was ranked 28th, just behind Monticello and just ahead of Frank Lloyd Wright?s Fallingwater. Far be it for this journalism major to second-guess …

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'What Hath God Wrought?'

  Those were the first words ever transmitted electronically, in 1844, by Samuel Morse. That message and Morse’s invention of the telegraph marked what was undeniably, at the time, the most significant communications revolution since the advent of movable type. If you are reading this, then chances are you have some sense of how the …

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