Date RC# Bill Vote
12/31 654 h r 6364 Not Voting
12/31 653 h r 6612 Not Voting
12/31 652 s 3454 Not Voting
12/30 651 s 3202 Not Voting
12/30 650 h r 4057 Not Voting

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Whether it is oil, gas, nuclear, biomass, solar, wind or other sources of energy, America needs to fully utilize all domestic energy resources. As we continue to find ways to make drilling safer, I am very interested in the prospects of developing alternative and renewable energies. America deserves a balanced approach to solving our national energy challenges, one which encourages alternative energy technologies and allows for oil exploration.

Oil extraction is important, but it cannot be our only course of action; it must be one part of a larger energy production plan. As part of this comprehensive solution, I authored legislation last Congress to expedite the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) approval of solar power permits. As a result of the attention that my colleagues and I paid to BLM’s inaction, the agency has begun to remedy the bureaucratic log jam that has kept solar power production from developing on federally owned lands.

In concert, these efforts can keep fuel prices low, air and water quality high, and our oil reserves secure all while being mindful of the environment. Please be assured I will continue to support legislation that will help prevent higher energy costs, while continuing to keep our national security in mind.