
Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on the Senate Floor Against Pre-emptive War - 12/4/12

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Published on Dec 4, 2012

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  • jeffyquave

    nice speach rand, but the corporations have to much at stake to not run things how they want... i mean its profit after all. If we don't use up all those missiles on someone then we put people out of jobs that make instruments of death. stay strong. RAND PAUL 2016!!

    · 18

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  • Mike Hughes

    Three Cheers for Rand Paul,well said,i think most of the people in the World will agree whith you,and make sure you beat Hillary Clinton in the next US elections.

    · 6

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  • VeteranJTN

    Senator Rand Paul is a total sellout. He signed the 2013 NDAA that appears to mitigate the detention provisions in lawyer speak but actually does not, look up the Ben Swann video 2013 NDAA on youtube to get a very informative explanation. The man supported scumbag leveraged buyout, bailout receiving, job killing Mitt Romney over his own father and now is trying to act like he's on the side of Liberty. He's just trying to sucker true Libertartarians and maintain Repub votes.


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  • luciferslettuce

    Rand Paul trying to limit the war mongers chances of success! Anyone should respect that.


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  • getagriponreality64

    and the caps aren't helping you moron.


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    in reply to JKWthefatalone (Show the comment)
  • getagriponreality64

    You are even responding to everything I say. I said the they were sorry and the US made a mistake of not telling them they were coming crossing their waters and that's how they got attacked by Israel. It is both their fault not just one. How about you quit having your head up your ass? lol.


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    in reply to RosenKrantz666 (Show the comment)
  • getagriponreality64

    You don't have explanation period (cuz you lack reasoning) and I'm not a foreigner. I'm American you idiot and any true American wouldn't be dumb enough to get rid of a foreign ally. You are the anti american one here. You have no sense of reality you live in neverland where all you dreams come true and you fly with peter pan. Where all are dumb ideas are genius.


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    in reply to JKWthefatalone (Show the comment)
  • RosenKrantz666

    "Israel said they were sorry"

    That all you found? Really, AIPAC-fucker? That's what you say to some1 after you murder sailors in INTERNATIONAL waters, asshole? & you call yourself a Christian? What degenerate tube of shittyful popped you into this world?

    "What is funny Is I never said there was 45 year old 'rule' idiot"

    LOL: listen primate, if you're so imbecilic as to be unable to even discern rhetoric, it's all moot. Been fun: had my fill, now GTF back to your imaginary YT 'friends,' kiddie


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    in reply to getagriponreality64 (Show the comment)
  • getagriponreality64

    Ok if you are in reality then give me a good logical reason why to dumb Israel and why it takes so much to post a youtube comment of 500 characters.

    I'm waiting to hear reality hear.


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    in reply to JKWthefatalone (Show the comment)
  • getagriponreality64

    Yeah who is busy enough that can't spend a little time to post a comment on youtube? Cool neverland story bro. Comments are hardly time consuming. You never were seeing would agree another neverland tale you made. No one would makes cuts because to that because it would be stupid to cut a foreign ally. People would easily have cuts on the other stuff you mention because it clearly more reasonably than just ending all foreign aid. The taxes are only going up because they want to kill everyone.


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    in reply to JKWthefatalone (Show the comment)
  • getagriponreality64

    Yes your book that teaches fantasy stuff and how to be stubborn. I'm still waiting for this actual good comeback but you don't have one. We can still cut spending by a huge amount without cutting Israel. Only a dumbass like you..... would want to cut off good foreign relationships. BTW the good reason to cut a relationship when that other country is not trying to be an ally but some reason like money. You come off selfish when you say and fail to realize it helps our foreign policy.


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  • yourmom5800

    Go Rand!


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