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Recent News about Hampton Roads

Here are recent stories about Senator Warner's work for the Hampton Roads region. 

December 2012
  • 12/12/12 -
    Statement on Department of Energy’s Va. grant to develop offshore wind energy
    “Developing our offshore energy resources will help create domestic manufacturing jobs and strengthen Virginia’s economy. It also advances efforts to better harness renewable energy sources while reducing U.S. reliance on imported oil. I have been an advocate for an ‘all-of-the-above’ approach for some time now, and I think there’s a lot of potential in developing our offshore energy opportunities off the Virginia coast.”
  • 12/05/12 -
    Senator Warner on Rumble in the Morning
    Senator Warner called into Norfolk's FM99 this morning to talk fiscal cliff negotiations. As Rumble in the Morning's Rick Rumble put it, "this is not a bit. It is the real Senator Mark Warner on Rumble in the Morning."
November 2012
  • 11/30/12 -
    Radio Round Robin
    Senator Warner called into three morning radio shows in Virginia today to discuss the looming fiscal cliff. He spoke with John Fredericks, whose morning show is broadcast in Norfolk, Richmond and Northern Virginia, and he also dialed-in to WRVA in Richmond and Washington’s WTOP Radio.
  • 11/29/12 -
    "Skyping" with the Virginia Chamber
    Senator Warner “Skyped” into Williamsburg today as a keynote speaker for the Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Summit, and spoke about his efforts in Congress to find bipartisan consensus on a rational and responsible plan to avoid the fiscal cliff.
  • 11/27/12 -
    Senator Warner talks budget, sequestration with WAVY
    Senator Warner talked to WAVY Norfolk’s Art Kohn yesterday afternoon about finding a bipartisan solution to upcoming automatic spending cuts.“[These] would be the worst kind of cuts: unplanned, across the board,” Senator Warner said.
  • 11/14/12 -
    A Bipartisan Bridge over the Fiscal Cliff
    There’s a big downside if we fail – and a tremendous upside if we succeed.” That’s how Senator Warner summed up the current situation in Washington as Congress and the White House discuss ways to avoid the looming fiscal cliff – the combination of defense spending cuts and the expiration of tax cuts set to occur simultaneously at the beginning of the new year.
October 2012
  • 10/22/12 -
    Panetta: Hampton Roads 'critical' to national defense
    Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says the Hampton Roads region is a great example of the committed community partnerships that keep the American military the strongest in the world. The Pentagon chief traveled to Norfolk at Senator Warner’s request on Friday to speak to members of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce.
  • 10/03/12 -
    Chesapeake Bay Senators urge USDA to support farmers during lapse of Farm Bill authorization
    Chesapeake Bay Watershed Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), Tom Carper (D-DE), Chris Coons (D-DE), Bob Casey (D-PA), Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), wrote to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White urging them to support Chesapeake Bay watershed farmers during the interim period since the lapse of the Farm Bill authorization.
  • 10/02/12 -
    Sen. Warner Announces $4.9M for Veterans Cemeteries in Virginia
    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded nearly $5 million for operations at state veterans cemeteries in Amelia County and the city of Suffolk, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner announced today. The V-A awarded $3.3 million to the Albert G. Horton Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk and $1.6 million to the Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Amelia.
August 2012
  • 08/15/12 -
    Navy honors Norfolk veteran for heroic actions in 1956
    The U.S. Navy recently honored Norfolk native Paul Legg for heroic actions that saved the lives of 33 people in 1956. Recognizing the signs of a gasoline leak on board his reconnaissance plane, Legg shrewdly directed passengers to limit, isolate, and then remove the spreading fumes, which could easily have caused a fatal explosion.
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