Press Release

Dreier: “The Open Rule is Back”

June 1, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman David Dreier (R-CA), House Rules Committee Chairman, is praising the 9-3 vote of the House Rules Committee to report the first open rule for House consideration in nearly four years. H.R. 2017, The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2012, will be considered by the House today under an open rule. This allows any member to offer any germane amendment to the bill without a pre-printing requirement. The House last considered an appropriations bill under an open rule in July of 2007.

“The open rule is back,” Dreier said. “As we work to get our fiscal house in order, it’s absolutely critical that the House have the ability to closely examine every aspect of spending bills. This open rule will allow us to do that. The restriction of the amendment process under the previous Majority correlated directly to the dramatic increase in spending over the last four years. It’s well past time we reverse that course. With this open rule, the Republican Majority is keeping a promise made to the American people – we will open up the debate and at the same time, open up the federal books to real scrutiny. An open rule will allow a healthier debate on how to get spending under control, something the American people expect and demand we do.”