Press Release

Dreier Welcomes Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY) to House Rules Committee

April 5, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman David Dreier (R-CA), House Rules Committee Chairman, announced today that Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY) has been named as the ninth Majority member of the House Rules Committee.

“Tom Reed is an excellent choice to join the Rules Committee,” Dreier said. “His appointment is a testament to his vision and commitment to changing the way Congress does business. I believe his experience as a mayor and small businessman give him the kind of real-world perspective we need to bring the legislative priorities of the American people to the House floor. He has already become known for his strong work ethic in his short time in Congress. He makes a fine addition to the committee.”

Reed joins Pete Sessions (R-TX), Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Rob Bishop (R-UT), Rob Woodall (R-GA), Rich Nugent (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), and Daniel Webster (R-FL) on the committee.




CONTACT: Jo Maney (202) 226-2006