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Weekly Republican Address
The Effect of Debt on American Families
Highlights from House Republicans' Press Conference | 12/12/12
12/18/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference
Republicans realize that in order to avert the coming fiscal cliff, a balanced approach is necessary. The president, however, does not seem to agree. Even though the negotiations with the White House continue, Republicans are ready to ensure that taxes will not go up on any Americans making one million dollars a year or less.
Republicanos de La Camara Conferencia de Prensa
Capitolio de EE.UU. | 12/12/12
Voices of America - Waitsburg, WA
Constituents from Waitsburg, Washington speak their minds on our nation's debt, the public's perception of Washington, DC, and what Congress should do to get our economy moving again and work together to avert the fiscal cliff.
12/12/12 House Republican Press Conference: The Effect of Debt on Families
In House Republicans' plan to avert the fiscal cliff, we've established a balanced approach of raising revenue and cutting spending to make sure our country can rebuild a thriving economy. The president and Democrats refuse to negotiate any serious spending cuts until they can raise taxes. We simply cannot ignore the 16 trillion dollars our country owes in debt. It's unacceptable to continue the reckless spending and pass the bill on to the next generation. We're fighting to protect America's future.

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