
Weekly Republican Address: Speaker Boehner on Averting the Fiscal Cliff

JohnBoehnerJohnBoehner·718 videos
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Published on Dec 22, 2012

Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) notes that the House has acted to avert the entire fiscal cliff, and President Obama and his Democratic-controlled Senate now must do the same. "We will continue to work with our colleagues in the Congress and the White House on a plan that protects families and small businesses," Boehner says, before wishing all Americans a Merry Christmas.

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  • IPGAuto

    People are pissed that republicans threaten those lazy fucks on welfare because republicans don't like welfare. Lazy fucks


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  • BlueStarArt

    Boehner is an embarassment to the United States. The people of Ohio are idiots for electing this garbage. They should not be allowed to vote anymore.


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  • dizbirdsuite1945

    John Bonehead, you're another checked pants Rockefeller Republican and you have nothing in common with true conservatism, like what Edmund Burke, Barry Goldwater, or Russell Kirk believed in. Go fuck yourself. You're one of the reasons I have no party affiliation.


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  • Claudia Moser

    Boehner you need to get another job because you SUCK at the one you have now. You people care only about yourself's You wont' agree because one is Rep and the other is Dem, and that is the only reason. And that is why you can not get together and fix this. Stop acting like little children and get this done. We the people put all of you in office and we can take you out of office


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  • Chester wood

    This guy wants fascism


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  • TheMegafrog99

    This fucker makes my blood boil every time he opens his goddamn mouth.

    · 2

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    We the people Owe it to our forefathers, Our children, And our country to defend this great nation Against ALL who would do her Harm! Foreign and DOMESTIC!!!!! I'm talking to you GOP!!!! Your do-nothing arrogant attitude has made you the number one enemy of this Country!!! Bad news asshole... Our enemies don't do too well!!! DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    The GOP have done nothing but bring this country to its knees at every opportunity it has!!!! These fuckers should all die!!!!!


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  • av8706

    sorry migher should be might


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    in reply to av8706 (Show the comment)

    Dear John, FUCK YOU ,YOU FUCKING FUCK!!!! You And your GOP should all swing from the highest tree for TREASON against the American people!!! I can't even believe you fuckers would take an oath to Grover Norquist and honor that before you honor your oath to the American people!!! FUCK YOU AND DIE COCK SUCKER!!!!


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