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The Future According To Science Fiction Films [Infographic]
The Future According To Science Fiction Films [Infographic]

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Email Marketing Design Guide For 2013 [Infographic]


There’s no doubt you are planning your marketing strategies for 2013 if you own a brand, or if you are a marketer. We have concluded many times that email marketing is more effective than people might think. It can be personalized, and your creativity is untied as far as design goes. One could say that the possibilities are endless. When it comes to email marketing design, there are trends and optimizations which may impact the end result of your campaign. Just slamming together an email and ...

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Innovative Wristwatch & App Alerts You When You’re Too Stressed Out


According to everything we’ve seen and written about regarding the new trends for this year, one of them is that people are going to start becoming more acutely aware of daily stress and how it not only affects productivity but happiness in general. Instead of just reading cheeky articles about how important it is to stretch, drink water and avoid getting stressed out during the day, we will actually start taking action to maintain a less stressful life which will be beneficial personally and professionally. It’s ...

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Gadget Charger Table Lamps For A True Geek’s Living Quarters


What does your device charger look like? Is it the default one that came with the device itself, or did you buy a new one that is more optimized? I bet whatever you have, it’s something that compliments your geekiness. There are of course thousands of different device chargers, docks and whatever you call them out there. There are also personalized devices that are put together by tech fanatics who long for a different kind of look. Usually they will recycle what they have and make ...

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DIY Edible Cookie Bra That’s Made From A Mold Of You


There are all kinds of ways you can show your sweetie that you love him. You could even buy one of those huge cookies that we see at the mall, and then put his name on it in icing. If you want to do something cookie-related that’s a little more personal, I have an clever idea for you. How about make him an edible cookie bra that is exactly like you (since it is made from a mold of your breasts)? I know it may sound ...

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File Management Tool Could Become Every Photographer’s Dream


File management has always been a very important endeavor amongst IT people. Whether you’re a photographer, web designer or coder, file management is one of the key tasks to keep it all organized. For decades we have moved stuff over to a disk, a CD ROM or a hard drive only to move everything over to something else when we need the space again. For a photographer, this endeavor is all too familiar. Moving pictures from a USB or an SD card is a time consuming ...

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Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Business [Infographic]


We write a lot on Bit Rebels about entrepreneurship and how to start a business, and if it’s something you’ve been thinking about doing, now may be the perfect time! This is definitely true if you live in America. There is something to be said for being at the right place at the right time, and many things just happen to be in an entrepreneur’s favor right now. According to this infographic called It’s Start Up Time In America by ProfitBricks, there may be more things ...

| 11 Hours Ago By Diana Adams | Be The First To Comment
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Technology vs. Nostalgia: Traditional Books Have A New Kind Of Value


With the ever-growing popularity of the e-reader and the ever-spreading digitization of all things written, many have heralded the end of traditional books and the printed word as inevitable. My own experience, however, leads me to think that those who advocate this line of argument overestimate the permanence of technological advancements and overlook the power of nostalgia. Indeed, last year I purchased a kindle. The idea of having my entire library in one easily accessible and well organized place was very appealing – as were the ...

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5 Steps For Creating A Successful Google Plus Business Page


Creating a Google Plus page for your business may sound like just one more task to mess with, but it actually comes with specific advantages. For example, Google provides a number of tools for connecting your site to your Google Plus account, which has been shown to improve search engine rankings. Plus (pun intended), it’s easy to connect your other social media accounts to it so that when you post on one, the same posts automatically show up on Google Plus. You can learn more about ...

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World’s Shortest Escalator (Less Than 3 Feet) Is A Glorious Experience


This is one of those little pieces of information that may seem useless right now, but when you’re fighting for victory in a game like Trivial Pursuit someday, this could secure your status as the unmistakable winner. Do you know where the world’s shortest escalator is and how short it really is? It turns out, it’s in More’s department store in Kawasaki (a Japanese city between Tokyo and Yokohama). Reddit user etegamiguy visited this escalator last weekend. When he was there, he rode it seven times. ...

LIFESTYLE | 17 Hours Ago By Diana Adams | Comments
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SEO Optimizations In 2013: How-To Starter Guide [Infographic]


For a few days now, I have been studying the SEO predictions and approaches for 2013. For me, it’s a whole adventure to delve into statistics, code and SEO optimizations that could potentially increase the visibility of a website. Some might think it’s a continuous strain of boredom, but it’s a necessity for a website to become successful. This is especially true now that Google is continuously incorporating social media and a whole lot of other factors into their search algorithm. Staying on top of your ...

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BROpener: The Tiny Device That Turns Anything Into A Bottle Opener


How do you open your beer bottle? Do you knock it on the edge of the kitchen counter like a beer-opening ninja? Do you use a bottle opener that is cleverly built into your smartphone case? Do you only buy the twist-cap bottles so you can delicately twist it off with a napkin? The way you open a beer bottle says a lot about your personality. Maybe you like to keep people guessing, so you switch up your methods. After all, there are at least 101 ...

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LEGO Controller For Nintendo NES That Actually Works


The creativity of LEGO builders has always immensely impressed me. Their ability to create things out of blocks that actually work sometimes borders on the insane. I mean, how on earth are you able to take all the intricate technology in a gadget and convert it into an analog system? It’s beyond me how these people are able to implement advanced electronics into things that pretty much everyone else knows as just simple plastic blocks. No wonder some LEGO builds go viral on the Internet. It ...

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