8 Unemployment Insurance Claims Series for Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands Added to FRED

Jan 14 These weekly series for Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands are from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. They include initial claims, continued claims, insured unemployment rate, and covered employment.

18 Series from the Current Population Survey Added to FRED

Jan 9 These series for age groups 20 to 24 years, 25 to 54 years, and 55 years and over are monthly estimates of civilian labor force, labor force participation rate, unemployment, and noninstitutional population from the BLS Current Population Survey.

23 Wilshire Series Added to FRED

Jan 7 These daily series are from Wilshire Associates Incorporated: 22 include indexes with varying market capitalizations such as Large, Mid, Small, and Micro and the type of fund (e.g. growth or value) and one includes an index of the Internet Sector.

12 Gross Domestic Income Series from the Bureau of Economic Analysis Added to FRED.

Jan 7 These 12 series are the monthly and annual headline gross domestic income (“GDI”) figures that come from the National Income and Product Accounts (“NIPA”) tables produced by the BEA.


March 15
Economic Seminar Series

March 29
Economic Seminar Series

See All Events

2.64569, 2.29746, 1.73304, 1.68166, 1.42252, 1.69535, 2.00291, 2.18118, 1.76685, 1.73807

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Graph for CPI Revision Graph for CPI

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+1.7 % Chg. from Yr. Ago on 2012-12
Civ. Unemploy. Rate
8.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.2, 8.2, 8.1, 7.8, 7.9, 7.8, 7.8

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Graph for Civ. Unemploy. Rate Revision Graph for Civ. Unemploy. Rate

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7.8 % on 2012-12
10-Yr. Treas. Rate
, 1.86, 1.92, 1.93, 1.92, 1.89, 1.88, 1.91, 1.89, 1.89

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Graph for 10-Yr. Treas. Rate

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1.89 % on 2013-01-14
Real GDP
2.24297, 2.60268, 2.39307, 0.07892, 2.47721, 1.27864, 4.09234, 1.96053, 1.25266, 3.10599

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Graph for Real GDP Revision Graph for Real GDP

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+3.1 %, Comp. Annual Rate of Chg. on 2012:Q3
-0.59855, 0.83093, -0.01388, 0.02180, 0.66890, -0.97886, 0.20934, -0.34793, 1.03525, 0.25930

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Graph for IP Revision Graph for IP

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+0.3 % Chg. on 2012-12
Payroll Employment
143, 68, 87, 45, 181, 192, 132, 137, 161, 155

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Graph for Payroll Employment Revision Graph for Payroll Employment

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+155 Chg., Thous. of Persons on 2012-12


Jan 11 Rent or Buy?

Jan 8 Regionalization vs. Globalization

Jan 4 Is the FOMC’s Unemployment Rate Threshold a Good Idea?

Jan 4 International Trade, Female Labor, and Entrepreneurship in MENA Countries

Jan 4 Why Did Young Families Lose So Much Wealth During the Crisis? The Role of Homeownership