Take Action

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Stay Informed

  • Raise your voice. Sign up for MPP’s e-mail alerts. You’ll receive breaking news updates and opportunities to use MPP's online system to e-mail or fax your legislators on important legislation. When legislators receive thousands of messages from MPP members and allies in support of marijuana policy reform, laws change.
  • If you’re a student, choose marijuana policy issues for your research projects or papers. Students in your class will be exposed to the issue, and professors sometimes even use student ideas for their own research projects.

Spread the Word

  • Send letters to your U.S. senators and representative, using MPP's free and easy automated system. And to contact your state legislators, use the pull-down menu to the right to choose your state.
  • Spread the word. Help increase the number of subscribers to MPP's e-mail list. Click here for more information on how to get started.
  • Get published. Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper about the need for marijuana policy reform. Feel free to use any of the information in MPP’s e-mail alerts and on our Web site in your letters.
  • Ask your local radio stations to run MPP's radio ads as public service announcements.
  • Distribute MPP literature in your community. Download our printer-friendly handouts and brochures.
  • If you're a talk radio listener, call in and express support for reforming our marijuana laws. Even if the subject being discussed isn't explicitly about marijuana, many related issues can be a springboard for urging reform. For example, if the issue is crime, you can point out that law enforcement resources are better spent going after violent criminals than on arresting adults who use marijuana responsibly.
  • Contact MPP for help in arranging meetings with your state legislators and congressional representatives. Personal face-to-face visits to these offices can have considerable influence on elected officials.

Get Involved

  • Become a dues-paying member of MPP. We rely solely on our members’ financial contributions to fund our work. Even better, become a monthly pledger.
  • If you are a medical professional, lawyer, elected official, medical marijuana patient (or have a loved one who is), or member of the clergy or law enforcement, contact MPP about special ways you can help.
  • Work to get your city council to pass an ordinance making marijuana offenses the city’s lowest law enforcement priority. 
  • Ask your doctor to sign our statement of principle. Download our medical marijuana statement of principle here, print it out, and ask your doctor to sign it the next time you have an appointment. Then send it to us at 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20002.
  • If you're a college student, join Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). Visit SSDP's Web site to learn about starting a chapter at your school or joining an existing one.