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    World Energy Outlook 2012

    (Released on 12 November 2012) 

    The 2012 edition of the World Energy Outlook was released on 12 November 2012. Drawing on the latest data and policy developments the report presents analytical insights into trends in energy markets and what they mean for energy security, environmental protection and economic development. It sets out updated projections of energy demand, production, trade, investment and carbon-dioxide emissions, broken down by country, fuel and sector, to 2035. Read more about WEO-2012 | Order WEO-2012

    The complete WEO-2012 chapter “Measuring progress towards energy for all” has now been published here, together with updated databases, charts and methodology information.

    World Energy Outlook 2012 - special early excerpts:
    WEO special report "Iraq Energy Outlook" released on 9 October 2012
    - WEO special report "Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas" released on 29 May 2012

    Press Quotes

    10 December 2012, The Australian Financial Review
    The global energy map is being redrawn. The International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook (WEO-2012) predicts that resurgent oil and gas production in the United States will be a key agent of change as the US temporarily overtakes Saudi Arabia sa the world’s largest oil producer before 2020.

    9 December 2012, The Boston Globe
    As chief economist for the Paris-based International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol helps shape energy policies worldwide. He recently guided the publication of the agency’s World Energy Outlook, which predicts the United States will soon become the world’s largest oil producer. While in Cambridge recently to speak at MIT, he sat down with Globe reporter Erin Ailworth.
    Read the full interview.


    World Energy Outlook 2011

    WEO 2011 Cover(Released on 9 November 2011) 

    The 2011 edition of the World Energy Outlook was released on 9 November and brings together the latest data, policy developments, and the experience of another year to provide robust analysis and insight into global energy markets, today and for the next 25 years.

    More Publications:  WEO-2010 | WEO-2009 | Archive

    The IEA Energy Business Council is an  executive-level group, with members from a wide variety of companies involved in energy exploration, production and consumption, ranging from commodities companies to automobile manufacturers to wind and solar producers and industry associations. Click here to visit the Energy Business Council website.

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