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Government on Facebook
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    • This book is the most important expose of the so called founding fathers
      6 hours ago
    • you need try looking after your own people first instead of everyone that comes in the country, free housing, food, schools, its a joke, no wonder our country is in recession paying for everyone else!!!!
      2 · 8 hours ago
    • i am so fed up with ministers and royals telling us nurses we need to care more me and my colleagues go over and above the call of duty working more than our contracted hours for free working in appaling conditions the amount of paper work you put upon us so you can all tick your boxes takes us away from the job we trained for you as a goverment do not allow us to care for our patients because of policitial red tape if there is a problem the answer seems to be employ another manager and throw more paper work at it and managers cannot do their jobs without the information from the ward floor but hey they do not leave their comfy offices they send constant e mails to nurses for the information then complain when we dont reply well we do not sit in front of a computer screen we are trying to care for our patients when are you going to listen
      Friday at 2:31pm
    • thank yall for taking 11 more dollar out o my check.
      January 3 at 2:10pm

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