The 2012 White House Holiday Card

2012 White House Holiday Card

The 2012 White House Holiday Card, designed by artist Larassa Kabel.

The 2012 White House Holiday card has arrived. And this year's card spotlights the beloved First Family's dog, Bo.

The card was designed by Larassa Kabel, a professional artist from Des Moines, Iowa. Ms. Kabel has been creating photorealistic prints, paintings and drawings for the past 8 years and was featured as a solo artist in the Des Moines Art Center's Iowa Artist Show in 2009, the Iowa Artist 2010 group show and many other solo and group shows in Iowa, Michigan, Texas, Florida and New York. Her work is in several private and corporate collections including Aviva, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, and the World Food Prize headquarters. She also has a much-loved dog at home, which is why she chose to feature Bo in this year’s White House Holiday card.

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