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Dec 27

Jim Dean and Mike Harris on the Brandon Raub Case.

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written by veteranstoday

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Dec 27

First hour guest: VT contributor Stephen Lendman. Then VT Editor Gordon Duff joins us for the second hour to deny the "40% BS" story, reveal as much truth as possible about the Petraeus resignation without getting us all killed, and assert that the Netanyahu team, routed by Veterans Today-connected pros, is behaving like a bunch of rabid cornered rats.

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written by veteranstoday

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Aug 23

Republic Broadcasting hostĀ Mike Harris on Russia.

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written by veteranstoday

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Aug 23

Gordon Duff and Kevin Barrett on Truth Jihad Radio discussing Japan and its nuclear power program.

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written by veteranstoday

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Aug 23

Kevin Barrett Columnist at Veterans Today.com on the airwaves again onĀ Truth Jihad Radio.

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written by veteranstoday

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Aug 23

Truth Jihad Radio 08/10/12.

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written by veteranstoday

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Jul 24

In the first hour, Janet Phelan and Dr. Robert Fettgather join host Mike Herzog to discuss the retaliation that has been inflicted upon Dr. F in his pursuit of justice for his disabled son, who is now "property" of the State of California, as he is under a conservatorship. In the second hour, Janet and Mike discuss the Aurora shooting, with new revelations on the MK ULTRA programs, including streamlined techniques to create a sleeper.

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written by veteranstoday

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Jul 24

In the first hour, Janet Phelan and Dr. Robert Fettgather join host Mike Herzog to discuss the retaliation that has been inflicted upon Dr. F in his pursuit of justice for his disabled son, who is now "property" of the State of California, as he is under a conservatorship. In the second hour, Janet and Mike discuss the Aurora shooting, with new revelations on the MK ULTRA programs, including streamlined techniques to create a sleeper.

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written by veteranstoday

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Jul 12

Gordon Duff on Orion Talk Radio giving you the scoop on the world and history.

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written by veteranstoday

*****(1 ratings)
Jul 04

Janet Phelan and Jim Fetzer on The Real Deal

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written by veteranstoday

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